
Showing posts from May, 2016


The constitution of India is possibly the most comprehensive of all constitution. It contains 395 original Articles that are divided into 22 parts and has 12 schedules. Articles 5,6,7,8,9,60,324,366,367,379,380,388,391,392,393,and 394 came into strength on 26 November, 1949 and other Articles came into strength from 26 January,1950. The Preamble:- The preamble embodies (represent) the ideals which the founding fathers of the Constitution desired to achieve by the citizen, in their best interest. The preamble spells out its sources of authority, i.e, “People of India”. It also express the social and political philosophy (thinking) of the country and contains the nation’s concept of social justice in its widest promptings (timely).   Citizenship:- A citizen of a given state is one who enjoy full membership of the political community of the state. Aliens, unlike citizens, do not enjoy all the fundamental rights secured to the citizens. Citizens alone have a right ...


Mossack  Fonseca when he observed "nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes", and the pannama based law firm might have changed his mind. Mossack is at the centre of a huge tax and money-laundering scandal, now coming to light thanks to the so called “Panama papers”. WHAT EXACTLY ARE THESE PAPERS AND WHT DO THEY MATTER ??:- Companies such as Mossack specialise in helping foreigners hide wealth. Clients may want to keep money away from soon-to-be ex-wives, avoid sanctions, launder money or escape taxes. The main tools for doing so are unknown shell companies which exist only on paper and which often come with perks such as banking secrecy and low to no taxes. These structures obscure the identity of the true owner of money parked in or routed through jurisdictions such as Panama. But authorities (and irritated ex-wives) just caught a split. Over 11m documents have been leaked from Mossack’s  secretive offices. Here, contain informa...


There has been an increase in the number of deaths of lions found in the wild only in Gujarat due to both reason natural and unnatural including road and railway accidents. Asiatic lions are found in the wild only in Gujarat in India.                 In 2013, the total numbers  of deaths  were 76 while in 2014 78 lions died. The death figure increased to 91 in 2015. Here, "The increase in death of Asiatic lions due to both reason natural and unnatural. NATURAL REASONS:-                 Mortality of cubs, old age, fight among lions, succumbing to illness and injuries also flash floods followed by heavy rains etc. UNNATURAL REASONS:-                 Here, unnatural death occur due to railway and road accidents and falli...

Gujarat state Govt announces new agricultural business Policy

Gujarat chief minister Anandiben Patel on Monday (dt 9-5-2016) said that the new inclusive Agricultural business policy-2016 Krishi Mhotsav :-  On 12 th edition of the state-wide Krishi Mahotsav from Anand and realising the new Krishi Business Policy-2016, the CM attributed the almost threefold in rise, wheat, banana and rai from 900 to 2,700 kg/ha in the Gujarat state due to efforts taken during the Krishi Mahotsav. Incentives for agro-processing units:-         Agro processing and storage centre (25% or up to Rs. 2.5 cr.)   Up to 70% VAT reimbursement on food-processing units Integrated cold storage, food irradiation processing plant, pack house etc (25 percent of the project cost up to 5 cr.) Food processing MSMEs (25% of the project  cost or up to 50 lakh) Quality  testing assistance to Rs. 5 lakh   For New dairy and oil mils in MSME category (7% interest subsidy or up to rs. 5 cr.) 1%...